Debut – He had debut at the age of 16 years 205 days. Again his 7 played important role in his debut as 7 had excelled the power of No. 9 which related to sports.
During that time, he was in his personal year No. 37/1, again here it was combination of 3 & 7 which gave him sudden success and personal year 1 was friendly with him name no. 9, it was also friendly with No. 3 which was his destiny number. It helped him for successful destiny.
His 1st match was also against Pakistan which comes to No. 7 but he had 7 (2) which helped him overpower Pakistan. He had scored 15 /6 runes in his 1st inning as although 7 was friendly with 6 but it was enemy to his personal year No. 1 and destiny No. 6.
Last Match – He had played his last match on 15/11/2013 – comes to 14 (5) again comes to his name number. And Made 74 Runs (impact of No. 7 & 4)
Injuries – In 1999 he had suffered with back spasms which was due to excessive flow of the energy of No. 9 and he was at the age of 26 (8) which was negative number for him. He had suffered with tennis elbow in 2006 (8) and he was at the age of 33 (6) both were unfriendly numbers for him.
Since he was suffered excess energy of No. 9 therefore had career full of injuries and gone through surgeries.
Career Span till 24 years, Again No. 6 anti-number for him. Age at the time of retirement 39 / 12 / 3 again comes to destiny number thus he had completed his destiny in cricket by coming to the age number of 3.
Marriage – Due to combination of 2 & 4 he had been into love affair and at the age of 22 (4 ) he got got marriage , again combination of 2 & 4.